Prayer Request



Prayer & Praise Request

Please note:  This is a request for prayer and/or praise from God.  If you would like to speak to the pastor, please call:  (816) 578-4544


This person is:


 Family Member (relationship)





Prayer is for:




 Spiritual Guidance


 Hospice/End of Life



 Health & Healing              

 Addiction & Recovery

 Surgery (date: mm/dd/yr & time): // at :



Please Pray for (please describe nature of concern/joy):

If known, please provide the duration which you anticipate prayers will be needed. For example:  If you are awaiting test results and they are expected back in one week, please indicate: 1 Week.  If the individual for which prayers are needed is having surgury and recovery time is unknown, please indicate: unknown, then notify our office when more information becomes available. You may also indicate a specific date, if known.

Please enter the duration of needed prayer by providing the number of weeks, an end date to remove the individual from prayers (if known), or unknown if there is uncertainty:  



First Name:

Last Name: 


City: State: Zip:




This Prayer request is to be distributed to:

 Pastor Only 

Prayer Chain



Request for prayers are published in our weekly newsletter (available online), as well as our sunday bulletin.  
If you would like to opt out of either publication, please uncheck it below:


 Newsletter (published online)